Friday, March 26, 2010

Welcome Packets

Provide your tenant with information of what you expect from them is the best way to eliminate future problems. A tenant welcome packet establishes this relationship in writing making your rules clear and concise.

Include the Welcome Packet with the Lease Agreement:

1. A welcome letter establishing a professional, positive working relationship.
2. Copy of the lease agreement including all addendums and inspection forms.
3. A short concise list of rules. Develop a list of your rules that you can and will enforce.
4. An up-to-date list of area phone numbers for utility companies, phone, mail, hospitals, fire departments, and local police department.
5. Be sure to include a copy of the required Lead Paint Pamphlet with every lease on properties built on or before 1978. Be sure this item is included in your lease agreement and the tenant signs in acceptance.
6. Provide basic information about renters insurance; this item should be stated in the lease agreement and tenants should be required to acknowledge such notification.

Allow sufficient time for signing the lease and review of all paperwork including the welcome packet. Answer any questions in a pleasant yet professional manner. Following these steps will establish a stronger relationship with your tenants and a clear understanding of your expectations.

For additional information on this and other renting articles, please visit our web site at

Mountain Ridge Property Management - Your Rental Home Resource

Monday, March 8, 2010

Why Prohibit Smoking?

Allowing smoking at your rental property can be a cause of complaints by your non-smoking tenants. Drifting smoke to, or inside of, a non smoking unit or the simple spread of the smell to a non smoking unit can be a source of problems. This can also cause a renter to require you, as the owner or manager, to move them to a smoke free unit at your expense. If the tenant is disabled or has health issues of any kind being subjected to second hand smoke can cause a habitability issue. Reading up on the Fair Housing Guidelines learning your states habitability rules can be especially helpful.
Aside from these issues, the cost of cleaning and repairs are saved when requiring your property to be non smoking. Non-smoking means to not allow smoking of any kind inside or outside the property. A smoking tenant, including their guests, must be located completely off of the property at all times when smoking.

For additional information on this and other renting articles, please visit our web site at

Your Boise Property Management Rental Resource