Saturday, July 10, 2010

Successful Roommate Guide

If you are considering a roommate its best to agree to some basic ground rules from the beginning and address any problems before they arise.

Rules for Roommates:

1. Start out fresh. Move into a new place together with the new roommate. There is no previous knowledge or seniority.

2. Have only one roommate. In a difficult situation arises, there is discussions with one person not two or more. The old theory of two against one would be eliminated.

3. Never live with a bet friend. Becoming roommates with a friend’s friend is reasonable due to the distance in the relationship.

4. Spend some time with the prospective roommate. Find out things they like, dislike, their regular habits, and how they like to spend their time. You wouldn’t be happy living with someone who likes to stay up late and party when you go to sleep early.

5. Trust the vibes. If you don’t get that warm and fuzzy feeling drop them like a hot potato and move on. Never stop using your “crazy detector”. Life is too short to deal with folks in that situation.

6. You sign the lease and your roommate signs a roommate agreement. Speak to your landlord or property manager to understand their policies. If the roommate doesn’t work out you have the option to move them out. If they too are signers on the lease you are stuck with them through the term of the lease agreement.

7. Define ‘clean’ in the roommate agreement. Everyone has different idea of what clean is or could be. This issue can cause serious problems if there is not a clear mutual understanding and in total agreement.

8. In the roommate agreement add the chores list. Each person is clear about their responsibilities and what is expected of them.

9. Put everything in writing. Rent, lease term, cleaning, pets, people, parting, working any and everything possible. Both parties sign and date. Provide your landlord or property manager a copy.

10. Enjoy living in your new home.

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