Sunday, December 27, 2009


Advertising available rental properties can be expensive. The cheapest and proven tool for effective advertising is to use directional signs. Posting a “For Rent” sign at the property, the nearest corner, as well as, the closest major intersection or cross streets will pay huge in financial savings and advertising effectiveness!
If you post a sign in the yard of another property be sure to inquire with the owners or current tenant for permission. Failure to acquire permission could mean your sign may end up in the garbage.
Another technique is to place exterior signage and interior signage at your available rental property. Be sure to open all window coverings allowing prospective tenants the ability to peek in the windows. Add flyers on the “For Rent” sign providing more specific rental information. These signs are a fantastic renting technique filling your rentals fast, easy and at the lowest possible cost.

For additional information on this and other renting articles, please visit our web site at
Your Boise Property Management Rental Resource

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Why Hire NARPM?

NARPM stands for National Association of Residential Property Managers.  NARPM is an association of Real Estate Professionals who know first-hand the problems and challenges of managing rental homes and small multi-unit properties.
NARPM was established for the professional and ethical practices of rental home management. As a member, managers network with other property managers and offices throughout the country. Being a member of NARPM provides property managers with a focused education and a clear understanding of the rental market arena.
As a rental owner searching for a property manager saves time and money. Review the companies in your area listed as NARPM members.

For additional information on this and other renting articles, please visit our web site at

Mountain Ridge Property Management
Your Property Management Source