Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Low Cost Improvements to Increase Your Rentals Value

Here are some affordable updates to make to your rental home.

1. Add some color by creating an accent wall in the living room and or master bedroom. Keep the color neutral and warm; then the apartment will give a warm and inviting feel to a prospective tenant. Use only semi-gloss paint as it’s washable and uses a soft sheen making the room look brighter.
2. Brighten the lighting with clear light bulbs. No need to up the wattage as this could cause damage to the light fixtures. Clear bulbs make the lighting shine and appear brighter. Replacing switch plates and plugs gives a great updated appearance without a huge cost.
3. Update the kitchen with new light fixtures, knobs or handles on cupboard doors; brighten the colors with fresh paint or stain. These updates will make the space feel more open, fresh and very appealing. The kitchen is the most important room to update.
4. Make sure everything is clean, shiny, and smells fresh. Use an air neutralizer to remove any odors. No smell of any kind is always the best.
For additional information on this and other renting articles, please visit our web site at http://www.mrpmrentals.com/

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