Sunday, October 16, 2011

Check Your Prospective Landlord

Since the financial fall of the real estate market renters have been placed in bad positions with foreclosures and unscrupulous property owners.  Here are a few things you can do to be informed and protect yourself.

1.       Ask questions of the landlord or property manager.  Be friendly when asking how long did the previous tenants live at the property and how long were the ones prior to them?  This shows the possibility of a landlord that is difficult to work with.  Ask how long he’s been a landlord or property manager, and who is responsible for repairs and if the landlord is who will be taking care of those repairs.

2.      Check property records.  You have to know who you will be leasing from.  A property management company is easily checked into but what if the landlord is a private owner?    Also you can check out your landlord at  Make sure the property is not at any risk of going into foreclosure or bankruptcy.  

3.      The best way to be more confident about your move is to visit with the neighbors.  They will give you lots of information.  Ask questions such as: Is this person the actual landlord?  How are repairs done and are they done in a timely manner.

4.      Take a drive by other properties owned or managed by this person or company.  If the property looks as good as the place you are wanting to rent and all other information regarding the landlord looks reasonable you should be comfortable in making your renting decision.

Don’t feel pressured to sign onto a property.  It only takes a few minutes to review the landlord and any reputable landlord or property manger will understand and are able to wait a couple of hours for your rental application.  Besides, you, as the prospective tenant, are required to wait for the landlord to check into your background it’s only reasonable for you to do the same.

For additional information on this and other renting articles, please visit our web site at

Your Boise Property Management Rental Resource

1 comment:

  1. Given a solution for some question of real estate market.How to affect and get a solution for the landlord related matter.

    Real Estate Management
